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    The Tendaji Charitable Foundation provides programs, services and initiatives that assist in poverty alleviation. The Foundation provides assistance to the people it serves with the necessities of life including supports for: shelter, food, water, and clothing. The two main programs that the Foundation operates under this program includes: the Emergency Assistance Program and Building Employment and Financial Capacity Programs.

    Emergency Assistance Programs

    In Canada, the Foundation’s poverty alleviation programs, commonly called Emergency Assistance Programs help homeless or unhoused people, precariously housed and marginalized people with the necessities of life. The Emergency Assistance Program helps people with shelter supports, food, hygiene items and clothing.

    Building Employment Skills and Financial Capacity Programs

    The Foundation’s Building Employment Skills and Financial Capacity Programs are programs and initiatives that focus on assisting marginalized youth and women develop skills to find employment and build financial capacity. Many women in both developing and developed countries are often the sole financial support for themselves and their children. Helping women develop employment skills and build financial capacity helps to transform communities.

  • The Foundation provides a diverse range of training programs including the following: 

    Employment Readiness Programs

    Job Preparation and Search Programs

    Computer Training Programs

    Digital Literacy Programs


    Leadership Programs

    Mentorship Programs


    Business Development Programs



    The Tendaji Charitable Foundation provides educational and training opportunities for marginalized children, youth, and women. The Foundation’s education and training initiatives programs will focus on support in two main areas.

    Support For Primary and Secondary Education (Back to School Program and School Support Program)

    The Tendaji Charitable Foundation provides support for marginalized girls and boys under the age of 18 years old who require assistance and support for primary or secondary school. Both in Canada and aboard, the Foundation provides assistance to boys and girls, youth, and their families in assisting with school supplies, school uniforms, and school fees as required. In the developing world, the Foundation will emphasize support for orphans, disabled and

    marginalized girls and boys under the age of 18 years old who require assistance or support to attend primary or secondary school.

    Education and Training Programs for Marginalized Girls and Women

    The Tendaji Charitable Foundation’s education and training programs support marginalized girls and women. The Foundation provides opportunities for girls, youth, and women to improve their skills through education and training programs. The skills developed can assist girls, youth and women obtain employment or develop their own microenterprises or small businesses.

  • The training programs that the Tendaji Charitable Foundation provides includes:  

    Employment Readiness Programs

    Job Preparation and Search Programs

    Women Empowerment Programs

    Leadership Programs


    Mentorship Programs

    Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Programs


    Business Development Program



    The Tendaji Charitable Foundation works to empower girls and women through education, training, and leadership opportunities. For women and girls, sexism and gender inequality translates into inequalities, injustices and marginalization in many different spheres including in education, employment, and human rights abuses. The Foundation through its leadership development and training programs will provide opportunities for marginalized girls and women to realize their full potential. The charity will develop peer training and mentoring programs so that girls and women can become local leaders in their communities. Specifically, the Foundation will provide two main programs. They are:

    Leadership Programs

    The Foundation will provide through its leadership development programs, training and opportunities for marginalized girls and women to realize their full potential by enhancing their leadership skillsets

    Mentorship Programs

    The Foundation will provide mentoring programs so that girls and women can learn leadership skills and be mentored by leaders and become local leaders in their communities.



    The Foundation develops programs and training initiatives that combat gender-based violence and human rights abuses. The Foundation provides training and education in three main areas in combating human rights abuses and the promotion of human rights. The three areas are

    1) Human Rights Education and Training

    2) Education Regarding Human Trafficking

    3) Education Regarding Domestic Violence